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  • Writer's picturePastor Myron K. Leach

Provision For Your Assignment

As we discover what our purpose is, we must count the costs of what it will take to accomplish that mission. We must realize that there is an ultimate plan from God and we should have a keen ear to His direction. Numbers 13:16-25 describes how God directed Moses to send spies to survey Canaan which is also known as the Promised Land.

God gave Moses a strategy to survey the promise. It is interesting that while they did not possess the land, God allowed then spies to see the condition and the potential of what He was going to bless them with.

We should not be disappointed at small beginnings but see the potential and what it shall be. What Has God shown you about your future? Have you seen glimpse of what is ahead of you and what steps are you taking to take ownership?

What may seem insurmountable is an opportunity for you to tap into your faith in God. I believe the spies had faith but when they returned, they were afraid of the inhabitants in the land which God promised to His people.

Moses teaches us that we must listen to the voice of God for divine opportunities. God requires that we should be obedient to His voice. Who are you listing too? In order to obtain God’s provision for your life, we must constantly stay connected to God and wise counsel. I believe provision from God will always come from sources we may not expect. Take a look at who is in your circle of friends and you may find the person or persons who have what you need.

Staying connected to God will always keep us safe and from making the wrong decisions at crucial points in our lives.

Directions from God will always outmaneuver the plot of the enemy to stop our progress. When we rely upon the Holy Spirit, He will tell us what to do, how to do it and when we should implement our plans. Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails. Prov. 19:21 (NIV).

I believe God will give us what we need for what He has assigned us to do. We must not make the mistake of making premature decisions about things that are out of season.

God’s provision will always include guidance of the Holy Spirit, spiritual insight and planning as well as natural gifts. Use what you have and God will give the increase!

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